The Comprehensive Eye Exam
An Overview
The comprehensive eye examination evaluates several aspects of the eye structure, function and health. The goal of this examination is to ensure that the eyes are healthy but also that you are seeing the best you can and your eyes are working as efficiently as possible. During the examination, we will take a detailed history which includes the following areas:
-A detailed history of your visual experience
-Areas of your vision that may be falling short
-How you use your eyes primarily
-Your overall health history
-Any medications that you may be taking
-Allergies that you may have
-Pertinent family health history.
We will then evaluate your current visual state by testing your vision at distance and at the near point. We check eye teaming and binocular skills, the neurologic responses of the pupils and the gross visual field.
The subjective refraction is the interactive part of the examination during which you are asked to compare the presentation of multiple choices of lens presentations. This helps us fine tune your prescription discovering any nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or presbyopia. For an explanation of the different types of refractive error, please click here.
This is followed by an assessment of the health of the eyes with the slit lamp. Your doctor will examine the health of the eyelashes, eyelids, conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, anterior chamber and iris. He will then place eyedrops in to measure the pressure inside the eye. This is followed by the placement of the drops that begin the process of dilating the pupil.
While we wait for the eyes to dilate, your doctor will discuss any significant findings and may make suggestions for prescription changes to your glasses or contact lenses. He will then have you meet with the Opticians so that you may begin the process of selecting glasses that best execute your prescription designed by the doctor. It is highly suggested that your Optician and Optometrist work together on this process so that you have the best possible visual results. Once your eyes are dilated, your doctor then goes back to the slit lamp microscope to examine the lens, vitreous, optic nerve, macula and central retina in a very detailed fashion. The final portion of the examination is looking at the peripheral retina using a head mounted loop and hand held lenses.